Protein smoothie popsicles!

Ah, the sweet allure of long weekends! Here in Canada, we’re diving into the leisurely vibes. It’s easy to drift from our dietary goals during these times, especially when the summer sun beckons. While the “I’ll get back on track on Monday” mantra is all too familiar, it doesn’t always serve our athletic, plant-based lifestyle….


Hello Athletarian community! It’s been an exciting time behind the scenes, collaborating with the phenomenal Ashley Johns of Fierce Forward. If Ashley isn’t on your radar yet, let’s change that. She’s a powerhouse in the health and fitness domain, associated with, and her insights have graced publications like Shape and Oxygen Magazine. Together, we’ve…

Look Good, Run Faster!

A few weeks back, the talented Sarah, known for her engaging content at Always Training Trio, reached out with a thrilling offer. Would I like an early look at a skirt from her newly minted brand, Attica Athletic, which officially opened its digital doors on June 1st? Combining her dual loves – running and fashion…


Today marked W4D3 on James Wilson’s athletic regimen. To say it pushed me to my limits would be an understatement – I was drenched, even without the cardio! And speaking of firsts, I donned short, form-fitting shorts for my workout, a departure from my usual Lululemon speed shorts. Let me share a personal note: I’ve…


Post-celebration indulgence during a weekend (courtesy of some loved ones’ birthdays) had me yearning for pure, healthful nourishment. When we talk about nourishment, it often comes with a trade-off: taste vs health. But what if we could combine the savory allure with the health quotient? The answer is – we absolutely can. While exploring some…


It’s that transformative time again: the dawn of a new year, brimming with aspirations. We’re all in this collective mood of wanting to treat our bodies right, be it through nourishing meals, regular exercise, or a harmonious blend of both. But with an avalanche of books and magazines suggesting various paths, how do you pinpoint…


I’ll admit, I’m not always about the aesthetics when I’m out for a run or workout. Most times, I’m that athlete in striking, mismatched colors, and that’s just my vibe. However, yesterday felt special. I had received an overwhelming show of support for my fundraiser (endless gratitude to the generous souls out there), averted a…


Hello Athletarian fam! As some of you might be aware, I’ve embarked on the journey of training for the Men’s Health Urbanathlon. With the event on the horizon, I’m committed to hitting the gym regularly, ensuring I include strength training 3-4 times a week. This isn’t just about prepping for the Urbanathlon’s obstacles but also…

Aspaeris review and GIVEAWAY!

Even with an ongoing giveaway, I just couldn’t resist introducing another stellar one! A while ago, the kind folks at Aspaeris sent me their signature compression shorts. Coincidentally, I also clinched a pair in a giveaway hosted by Christy! When Kari from Aspaeris inquired about my color preference, I gravitated towards the fiery red, a…

It’s your lucky day (GIVEAWAY!)…

I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve been honored with the Versatile Blogger Award, thanks to Alyssa! Heartfelt gratitude, Alyssa! It’s so rewarding to see my content resonate with readers like you. Now, as tradition dictates, I’m sharing seven tidbits from my day. Let’s delve into my plant-powered athlete life: Let’s dive deeper into Tommie Copper…