Athletic Workouts Tailored for Marathon Prep

Yesterday, I stumbled upon an optimized leg workout that’s suitable even during intense marathon training. The session was a mix of cardiovascular and strength exercises:

  • Cardio: 30 minutes of stair climbing (totaling 4 miles), concluding with an additional 5-minute bout.
  • Strength Routine: 3 sets of 15 repetitions for each of the following:
    • Kettlebell sumo squats (aim for depth)
    • Bodyweight step-ups
    • Single-leg squats
    • Cable deadlifts
    • Glute pushdowns on an assisted pull-up machine (I found an enlightening tutorial for this on YouTube)

This morning, my muscles felt pleasantly fatigued, signaling a well-executed workout, but not to the extent of complete exhaustion (let’s keep those bathroom trips graceful).

I often switch up my strength workouts, ensuring I don’t lift too heavy. The regimen blends plyometrics, physio exercises, bodyweight movements, and moderate weights. My primary objective? Retain a healthy, injury-resistant physique during marathon training, rather than seeking extreme muscle definition.

Youth and Dietary Choices: A Concern

Now, onto a topic that piqued my curiosity and concern today. While at work, I overheard a conversation among my students. One mentioned his eating habits: only consuming food between 3 pm and 7 pm. This student, known for his athletic prowess and generally healthy habits, seemed to be practicing intermittent fasting (IF).

My innate inquisitiveness led me to delve deeper into his rationale. His primary motivations were weight management and the leniency in food choices during the allowed eating window. While I respect individual dietary choices, it’s crucial to underline the potential risks for teenagers, especially athletes, in adopting such patterns. The sustainability and nutritional adequacy of IF, especially in the form mentioned, raise several questions for me.

The promise of IF might be stress-free dieting, but isn’t restricting one’s eating window essentially a diet? The psychological toll of constantly clocking the hours to the next meal, especially for growing kids amidst academic pressures, can be substantial.

Today’s youth, more than ever, face a barrage of idealized body images and dietary fads on social media. The last thing they need is another dietary restriction, especially when they’re trying to balance school, extracurriculars, and their health. It’s pivotal for them to nourish their bodies adequately, fueling both their physical and mental exertions.

I always encourage open dialogues around these topics. While my curious intrusions might raise a few eyebrows, I believe in offering insights and fostering informed decisions.

Discussion Corner: Has anyone had personal experiences with intermittent fasting? What are your views on this dietary approach? Let’s engage in a constructive conversation below! 🌱🏃‍♂️🍴

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