Enhanced Fertility: Yet Another Bonus of the Mediterranean Diet

Key Takeaways:

  • The Mediterranean diet, known for its health benefits like reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes, can also improve fertility.
  • This diet, which emphasizes fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy fats like olive oil, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and fish, aids in reducing inflammation, a factor that can negatively impact reproductive success and fertility outcomes.
  • Contrarily, the Western diet, low in fruits and vegetables and high in fat and sodium, has been linked to increased inflammation and other health issues.
  • Studies suggest that following a Mediterranean eating style can improve various fertility factors such as menstrual cycle regularity, embryo quality, live birth rates, men’s sperm quality, and endometriosis-related measurements.
  • While diet plays a significant role in fertility by aiding in maintaining a healthy weight and reducing the risk of chronic diseases, it is not a replacement for medical treatment, especially for couples encountering difficulties in conceiving.

Add improved odds of successfully conceiving a child to the impressive list of health advantages tied to the often-praised Mediterranean Diet. Already known for its positive impact on brain health, heart disease risk reduction, and limiting the likelihood of diabetes and specific cancers, this diet has now been indicated to enhance fertility.

The Mediterranean Diet: What It Entails

The fantastic Mediterranean diet, with its emphasis on fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy fats such as olive oil, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and fish, is reported to enhance reproductive success through improved fertility, increased success with assisted reproductive technologies, and better sperm quality in men, according to researchers in Australia. Find the report here.

The Connection? Inflammation.

Researcher Simon Alesi from Monash University in Melbourne explains, “Our review indicates that the Mediterranean Diet may enhance fertility and benefit couples attempting to start a family.” Learn more about Simon Alesi.

Inflammation, increasingly recognized as a factor that negatively impacts reproductive success and fertility outcomes, is often referred to as ‘inflammatory infertility’. The Mediterranean diet is filled with bionutrients like monounsaturated fats, flavonoids, vitamins C and E, and polyphenols. It also ensures a limited intake of processed meat, all of which are likely to reduce inflammation, thereby improving fertility.

The Downside of the Western Diet

Contrasting with the healthy Mediterranean diet, the typical Western diet, low in fruits and vegetables and high in fat and sodium, has been linked to increased inflammation and other health issues.

Research Findings on the Mediterranean Diet and Fertility

The researchers delved into the relevant literature on diet and fertility. Their findings suggest that a Mediterranean eating style improves menstrual cycle regularity, embryo quality, live birth rates, and men’s sperm quality, along with endometriosis-related measurements. Regular menstrual cycles ease fertility tracking and pregnancy planning. Endometriosis, a painful and common occurrence when tissue akin to the uterus lining grows outside the uterus, can make it more difficult for women to conceive. High-quality embryos or developing fertilized eggs can improve the chances for a successful pregnancy.

Advice Couples Trying to Conceive

For those trying to conceive and undergoing infertility treatments like in vitro fertilization, Alesi recommends a plant-based diet filled with vegetables, fruits, cereals and grains, seeds, legumes, low-fat dairy, fermented dairy, and olive oil. He suggests a moderate intake of both white and red meat and stresses limiting processed and ultra-processed foods like soft drinks, chips, cookies, and cakes.

Alesi’s study has been published in the journal Nutrients.

Corroborating Opinions

Dr. Alex Robles, an obstetrician/gynecologist at Columbia University Fertility Center in New York City, also advises couples trying to conceive to follow a Mediterranean-style diet. “I recommend all patients trying to conceive to consider incorporating Mediterranean dietary elements into their lifestyle,” encourages Robles. He adds that there’s no significant downside risk to doing so, with the potential benefits being substantial.

Role of Diet in Fertility

Robles views diet as a significant factor in fertility, particularly in maintaining a healthy weight and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. He observes, “Being overweight or underweight can reduce fertility, just as chronic disease states can. Nutritious foods can help reduce inflammation, potentially improving both sperm and egg quality and improving menstrual cycle regulation.” He concludes, “Anti-inflammatory dietary interventions are a low-risk and potentially effective option to help couples trying to conceive.”

However, Robles cautions that while diet is undoubtedly helpful, it is not a replacement for medical treatment. For couples encountering difficulties conceiving, he advises consulting with a fertility doctor.

For Further Information

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine provides more information on infertility treatments.

Susan Levin

Hello, wellness enthusiasts! I'm Dr. Susan Levin, and while I may share a name with a certain American film producer, our domains couldn’t be more different! My silver screen is the world of medical science, and I have a deep-rooted passion for guiding individuals on their health journeys.Born and raised amidst the picturesque landscapes of Great Britain, I've also called the vibrant state of New Jersey my home for a significant chapter of my life. Both places have contributed to my understanding of health, community, and the diverse lifestyles that shape our well-being.With an M.D. in hand and a wealth of knowledge from years of practice, my goal on TheAthletarian.com is to translate complex medical jargon into understandable, actionable advice for our readers. From the latest health trends to tried-and-true practices, I aim to be your reliable source for all things health and wellness.Join me as we unravel the intricacies of the human body and mind, ensuring that your health journey is informed, inspired, and most importantly, effective.
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