Diana Wells

Revisiting Pharmacy Oversight in the Aftermath of Meningitis Outbreak

Explore the aftermath of a tragic meningitis outbreak linked to compounding pharmacies, and the call for greater FDA oversight.

The Health Risks of Synthetic Cannabis: A Rising Issue

Discover the hidden dangers of synthetic cannabis and its rising popularity. Learn about the health risks and long-term effects. Click to read more.

Discovery of Bacteria in Certain Products Linked to Meningitis Outbreak: An In-depth Look

Learn about the discovery of bacteria in certain products linked to a meningitis outbreak and the urgent response to this crisis. Find out more here.

Compounding Pharmacy Shutdown In Massachusetts: Matters of Public Health and Regulation

Learn why a compounding pharmacy shutdown in Massachusetts is significant for public health and regulation. Find out more about the ongoing investigation.

Can the Antioxidants in Chocolate Enhance Brain Function?

Discover how the antioxidants in cocoa can potentially enhance brain function and memory. Learn more about the benefits of flavanols in this article.

Rekindling Your Commitment to your Resolutions

Struggling to keep up with your New Year’s resolutions? Discover practical tips to rekindle your commitment and achieve your goals.

Effective Diet Choices Incorporate Many Anti-Cancer Foods: Expert Opinion

Discover effective dietary plans to reduce cancer risk, including the Mediterranean diet and the whole-body diet. Learn how to incorporate anti-cancer foods into your meals.

Essential Insight: Understanding Iron Deficiency

Learn about iron deficiency anemia, its risks, and causes. Discover how to prevent and manage iron deficiency for a healthy, plant-based lifestyle.

Plant-Based Eating Reduces Hazardous Phosphorus in Renal Patients

Discover how embracing a plant-based diet can reduce hazardous phosphorus levels in renal patients. Read the latest research findings now!

Plant-Based Low-Carb Diets and Their Impact on Health

Explore the impact of plant-based, low-carb diets on health. Learn about the risks associated with meat-heavy diets and the importance of balance.